TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (may change [a bit])

(Lectures and exercises take place in room CM 5.)

Except for weeks 1 and 10 to 14, all the other classes (weeks 2 to 9) is "flipped" and organized as follows:

When there is a quiz (weeks 5, 7, 10, 14), everything is shifted by 1 hour. (Notice, btw, the quizzes are not meant to be a preparation for the exam; exercises are; quizzes are only a feedback providing evaluation/comprehension test.)

Week 1 being a "welcome week", it starts with 2 hours of usual lecture, followed by 2 hours of introductory practical session.

Starting from week 10, Pr. Antoine Bosselut will give a series of three lectures on Modern NLP (Deep Learning). These lecture are not pre-recorded and will be taught live. The lessons will be recorded live and available some time afterwards.

Texts in bold (weekly updated) are links to the corresponding course material.

Wednesday 08h15 - 09h00 Wednesday 09h15 - 10h00 Wednesday 10h15 - 11h00 Wednesday 11h15 - 12h00
1 11/09/2024 Introduction to NLP
Linguistics Levels in Natural Language Processing (MR)
PS: Machine Translation (MR+DB)
2 18/09/2024 Evaluation in NLP (MR):
[slides] [video] [review slides]
PS: Evaluation (MR+DB)
3 25/09/2024 Evaluation in NLP 2 (MR):
[slides] [video] [review slides]
Hands-on evaluation (MR) Exercises (exam preparation) & QAS/"office hours" (MR)
4 02/10/2024 Word, tokens, n-grams and Language Models (JCC):
[slides] [video] [review slides]
Hands-on n-grams/language models (JCC) Exercises & QAS (JCC)
5 09/10/2024 Quiz: NLP and evaluation (weeks 1-3, online, 4%) Tagging (JCC):
[slides] [video] [review slides]
Hands-on POS tagging (1) (JCC) Exercises + QAS (JCC)
6 16/10/2024 HMM decoding and learning (Viterbi and EM) (JCC):
[slides] [video] [review slides]
Hands-on POS tagging (2) (JCC) PS: PoS Tagging (JCC+DB)
Fall break
7 30/10/2024 Quiz: n-grams + Tagging (weeks 2-5, online, 4%) Textual data analysis and classification (JCC):
[slides] [video] [review slides]
Hands-on textual classification (JCC) Exercises + QAS (JCC)
8 06/11/2024 Vector space Semantics (and Information Retrieval) (JCC):
[slides] [video] [review slides]
Hands-on information retrieval (JCC) PS: Text classification (JCC+DB)
9 13/11/2024 Quiz: up to classification (weeks 1-7, online, 4%) Semantics (MR):
[slides] [video] [review slides]
Hands-on semantics (MR) Exercises + QAS (MR)
10 20/11/2024 Deep Learning for NLP (no pre-recording) (Pr. A. Bosselut):
[slides] [video]
Transformers Attention Visualization (Pr. A. Bosselut)
11 27/11/2024 PS: Semantics with LLMs (1/2) (MR+DB)
12 04/12/2024 Generation (no pre-recording) (Pr. A. Bosselut):
[slides] [video]
coding assignment (Pr. A. Bosselut)
13 11/12/2024 PS: Semantics with LLMs (2/2) (MR+DB)
14 18/12/2024 Quiz: from classification to Generation (incl.) (weeks 7-13, online, 4%) Ethics in NLP (no pre-recording) (Pr. A. Bosselut):
[slides] [video]
Future of NLP (no pre-recording) (Pr. A. Bosselut):
[slides] [video]

Videos of the lectures

Annotated slides

Dernière mise à jour le 5 décembre 2024
Last modified: Thu Dec 5, 2024